About us

Emma Acquarone
Italian and living in Germany, environmental engineer and mom of three, is a Touch for Health, Brain Gym and Joint Anchor Technique instructor. Since 2018 she is the secretary for the International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists (IASK).
Emma has a been practicing kinesiology for over 12 years, co-manages the educational centre Chiron – Arbeitskreis für Gesunderhaltung, and is passionate about kinesiology and helping fellow kinesiologist be successful

Sabine Rosén
Sabine Rosén has worked full time as a therapist since 1991 and is a trained kinesiologist, massage nutritionist and phytotherapist as well as an acupuncturist. She runs the treatment center HälsoPorten in the heart of Stockholm, where about 20 therapists work together.
Since 2017 she is the president of the International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists (IASK).